Saturday, May 12, 2007

Why the Cubs piss me off - 2007 edition

Here are the Top 10 reasons the Cubs are pissing me off so far this season:

10. They placed Alfonso Soriano in Center and at the top of the batting order

9 . They didn't finalize a deal with Carlos Zambrano before the season started

8. They finished the month of April 10-14 and only won 2 series the whole month

7. The bullpen is just aweful and they can't hold a lead

6. Sweet Lou is yet to get tossed from a game

5. They get a lead and then they blow a lead

4. No patience at the plate

3. They pick it up in May only to go back to their old ways

2. Felix Pie is still in Triple A ball

and the number 1 reason......

1. They haven't asked Shawn Dunston to come back.

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